Menstruation has never been a satisfactory stage, but in comparison of other countries you are living the glory with your period. In some parts of the world, sanitary napkins do not even exist due to lack of resources. Can you imagine? Learn how women and girls deal with menstruation around the world.
Incredibly being one of the richest countries in the world, the United States suffers from the lack of sanitary products for menstruation . And this is due to the high population since much of it is homeless.
Women in this country have difficulty accessing hygiene towels and tampons , which creates chaos with regard to sanitary conditions. And to further worsen the situation, there is the myth that if a woman washes her genitals during menstruation, this can lead to infertility. Nothing to see!
According to a UNICEF study, 48% of Iranian women consider menstruation to be a disease. Because this country is very strict in its moral and religious precepts, tampons are considered a threat to virginity . For this reason, for women access to health products for menstruation is almost impossible. However, Iran is a target for organizations and now they are taking action on the issue.
It is total torture! Women in rural areas of Nepal are isolated during the period. They are sent to huts or dark rooms with little sanitation and can not talk to anyone. In addition, they have no protection from external dangers during those days. Horrible! Although this practice was banned 10 years ago, it is still being carried out.
Menstruation is a super taboo! No woman is to blame for menstruating and yet she is one of the biggest enemies for women in Malawi. Due to the great lack of information, women are kept secret their period days. Their alternatives to tampons and sanitary towels are compresses made with pieces of cloth.
The Japanese have always been very loyal with regard to gastronomy. And in Japan, when a woman is in her day she is prohibited from cooking sushi, as it is said that her sense of taste is altered.
Bolivia is another of the countries that are affected by the taboo. Here they have the belief that menstrual blood is the cause of diseases, including cancer. Bolivian women are ashamed to be in those days of the month and therefore take with them their already used sanitary products.