If you want to slow down as much as possible the appearance of the signs of age, you better form good habits of beauty at 20 or before. Prevention is key in the processes of the skin to avoid marks of acne, wrinkles, spots, cellulitis, hair loss, etc. With these beauty habits you will avoid these problems, but, in addition, you will look spectacular!
Watch out for hot water!
Many of us enjoy the feeling of warmth in our muscles to relax. What we do not consider is how harmful it is to our skin. These showers can cause dandruff, dryness and hair loss, sagging skin , acne and varicose veins. Your first habit of beauty should be bathing with warm water, this will strengthen your immune system.
Do not let the sun damage your skin
Your next habit of beauty should be to use sunscreen every day regardless of the activities you have planned, or if it is cloudy. You do not necessarily have to use the same one you would use on the beach, because some leave a sticky sensation on the skin. Currently there are many options for everyday use with a good level of protection and matt finish.
Determine what your makeup routine will look like
Your next beauty habit should be a good makeup routine. There are a myriad of options and you can spend as much time as you want. Make sure your routine is perfect even if you are in a hurry and buy colorful products that favor you.
Of course, always take a shower
If you want a healthy and radiant skin you can not leave the makeup to sleep . At night the cells regenerate, so if you do not do it at 20 or imagine the wrinkles that await you at 30.
Rest well every night
The next habit of beauty is the easiest and the richest, to sleep. Do not get confused, no matter how old you are not sleeping has very negative effects on your body. The body regenerates in sleep. If you interrupt the process, it will not take long for your skin, your body and even your health to denote it, that includes your state of mind.